File handling in command line applications has different challenges than for web applications. In the web environment, the developer knows the filesystem structure and permissions and can read and write files with confidence. Command line applications, however, run on someone else’s comptuer where no such assurances can be made.

Macrame provides a number of file access methods to help ensure more-safe interaction with the file system


$macrame = new Macrame();

// string. Read file as a string

// generator. Iterate over a file line-by-line
foreach($macrame->file('/dir/file')->byLines() as $line) {
    // one line

// bool. Write content to file 

// bool. Test if file can be read
if($macrame->file('/dir/file')->readable()) {
    // can read file

// bool. Test if file can be written to
if($macrame->file('/dir/file')->writable()) {
    // can write to file

// bool. Test if file exists and writing would overwrite
if($macrame->file('/dir/file')->clobbers()) {
    // file exists.

// bool. Synonym for clobber

// bool. Test if the device has enough space to write content to file

// int. Get the size of the file in bytes

// set a file to be deleted when Macrame's 'exit' function called
$macrame->file('/dir/file')->deleteOnQuit(); // synonym

Creating a file object

Macrame provides the file() method to accept a path to a file and return a MacrameFile object. The MacrameFile object exposes methods to create, read or write the file at that path.

$macrame = new Macrame();

$myFile = $macrame->file('/path/to/my/file');

All methods are chainable. So, for instance, to create a file object and read the contents of the file, one could:

$macrame = new Macrame();

$myFileContents = $macrame->file('/path/to/my/file')->read();

File paths expand ~ to the user’s home directory.

Writing to files

Macrame allows writing a string to a file with the write() method.

$someString = "Hello world";

$macrame->file('/path/to/my/file')->write($someString); // return bool

If write() succeeds it returns true. On any error false is returned.

The write() method tests if the target file has write permissions and if there is enough space on the target partition to write the content. Any failure results in a warning output to the consle and a return value of false. If the file does not exist, write() attempts to create it.

Testing for writability

The write permissions of a file can be explicitly tested before writing with the writable() method.

$myFile = $macrame->file('/path/to/a/file');

if(!$myFile->writable()) {
    // no write permissions

The writable() method returns true if the file permissions allow writing, false otherwise.

Testing for clobber

Writing to a file that already exists will overwrite it. If that is not desired, the existence of a file can be tested using the clobbers() method or it’s synonym exists().

$myFile = $macrame->file('/path/to/a/file');

if($myFile->clobbers()) {
    // writing will overwrite existing file

// synonym for clobbers()
if($myFile->exists()) {
    // writing will overwrite existing file

The clobbers() and exists() methods return true if the file exists, false otherwise.

Testing for disk space

Attempting to write more bytes than the file’s partition has available is bad and should be avoided. The enoughSpace() method allows for testing if there are enough free bytes to write the desired content.

$myFile = $macrame->file('/path/to/a/file');
$myContent = "Hello world";

if(!$myFile->enoughSpace($myContent)) {
    // not enough free space on partition to write content

The enoughSpace() method returns true if the target partition has enough free bytes to allow writing, false otherwise.

Putting it together

Testing for writability can be done either by calling each test method and displaying custom error messages, or by just calling the write() function and letting Macrame output the default warnings.

$macrame = new Macrame();

$myContent = "Hello world";

 * Call each test before writing
$myFile = $macrame->file('/path/to/file');

// test for permissions
if (!$myFile->writable()) {
    $macrame->text("File not writable")->error();
// test if target file will be overwritten
else if ($myFile->clobbers()) {
    $macrame->text("File already exists")->error();
// test if there's enough disk space
else if (!$myFile->enoughSpace($myContent)) {
    $macrame->text("Not enough disk space")->error();
// write to file
else {

 * Or
 * Use tests done by write() with default error messages
if(!$macrame->file('/path/to/file')->write($myContent)) {
    // write failed. warnings displayed.

Note that if you rely on write() to test writability it will output default warnings to the screen and return false on failure.

The write() method does not test if the target file will be overwritten.

Appending to an existing file

Strings can be appended to files using the append() method.

$someString = "Hello world";

$macrame->file('/path/to/my/file')->append($someString); // return bool

If append() succeeds it returns true. On any error false is returned.

The append() method tests if the target file has write permissions and if there is enough space on the target partition to write the content. Any failure results in a warning output to the consle and a return value of false. If the target file does not exist, append() will attempt to create it.

Creating a new file

Creating a new file without writing to it can be done with the create() method.

$macrame = new Macrame();


The directory structure will be created recursively.

If there is a permissions error or an error because the root directory does not exist, create() will display a warning. The create() method is chainable.

Reading a file

Reading the contents of a file into a string can be done with the read() method.

$macrame = new Macrame();

$contents = $macrame->file('/path/to/file')->read();

If the file is unreadable due to permissions or because it does not exist, a warning will be displayed and null will be returned.

Testing for readability

Read access to a file can be tested using the readable() method.

$macrame = new Macrame();

if($macrame->file('/path/to/file')->readable()) {
    // can read the file

The readable() method returns true if the file exists and has permissions that grant read access, false otherwise.

Reading very large files

If a file is larger than the amount of memory available to PHP, reading its contents into a variable can cause errors. In Macrame, reading large files can be done by iterating over them line-by-line using the byLine() method.

$macrame = new Macrame();

foreach($macrame->file('/large/file')->byLine() as $line) {
    // line of file at $line

If the file read with byLine() does not exist or the user does not have read permission, a warning will be displayed and null will be returned.

The byLine() method returns a generator.

Cleaning up files on exit

Files can be set to be automatically deleted when the script exits by using the deleteOnQuit() method.

$macrame = new Macrame();



Files will be removed from the filesystem when $macrame->exit() is called. If the file cannot be deleted because it has become missing or had its permissions changed during execution of the script, $macrame->exit() will error silently.