Command line scripts often accept arguments; things like --help
or -vvv
or /path/to/input
. Macrame provides a set of tools for parsing and accessing argument data.
Types of arguments
Parsing arguments
Testing if an argument was passed
Getting the count of an argument
Getting the value of an argument assignment
Handling positional arguments
Full example
$macrame = new Macrame();
$macrame->args('foo')->exists(); // bool. True if --foo or --foo=<val> was passed
$macrame->args('foo')->count(); // int. Number of times --foo was passed
$macrame->args('f')->count(); // int. Number of times -f was passed, either as -ff or -f -f
$macrame->args('foo')->first(); // string. The value of the first --foo=<val> argument
$macrame->args('foo')->last(); // string. The value of the last --foo=<val> argument
$macrame->args('foo')->all(); // array. All of the values of --foo=<val>
// positional arguments are not keyed, but identified by position starting at left
$macrame->args('positional')->all(); // array. All of the values of positional arguments
$macrame->args('positional')->count(); // int.
$macrame->args('positional')->first(); // string.
$macrame->args('positional')->last(); // string.
Types of arguments
Macrame handles four different types of user arguments:
Type | Examples | Description |
Switches | script.php -h -vvv |
Single letter options identified by one dash. Can be combined. |
Long arguments | script.php --help |
Longer arguments. Identified by two dashes. |
Assignments | script.php --file=<path> |
Arguments that assign a value to a name. Identified by two dashes and an equals sign. |
Positional | script.php "some input" |
Arguments identified only by their positions |
Parsing arguments
Arguments can be parsed from the command and accessed by passing the name of the argument to the args()
The args()
method returns an object of the MacrameArgs
class containing data on that particular argument. The object has methods for determining the existence, number and value of the argument.
Testing if an argument was passed
You can test if an argument was passed on the command line by using the exists()
if ($macrame->args('foo')->exists()) {
// argument '--foo' or '--foo=' was passed
The call to exists()
will return true if the script is executed like:
script.php --foo
script.php --foo=somevalue
Long arguments, assignments and switches can all be tested with exists()
Getting the count of an argument
Oftentimes, an argument is supplied to the script more than once. For instance, to indicate a verbosity level of three for your script, you may wish it to be called:
script.php -v -v -v
The number of times an argument is supplied can be found using the count()
The count()
method can be used for long arguments, assignments and switches. For instance, a script called like this:
script --input=Hello --input=World -vv -h -h
Will result in a count of 2 for ‘input’, ‘v’ and ‘h’.
$macrame->args('input')->count(); // 2
$macrame->args('v')->count(); // 2
$macrame->args('h')->count(); // 2
script -v -v -v
Is treated the same as:script -vvv
Getting the value of an argument assignment
There are two methods for getting the values of assignment arguments: first()
and all()
Getting the first value
The first()
method returns the first valid value of an argument, if any.
// script.php --foo=bar
$macrame->args('foo')->first(); // bar
If the assignment argument is given to the script more than once, the left-most value will be returned as the first.
// script.php --foo=bar --foo="baz quux"
$macrame->args('foo')->first(); // 'bar'
Only a valid, non-null value will be returned. Long arguments and null-assignments will be ignored.
// script.php --foo= --foo --foo=bar
$macrame->args('foo')->first(); // 'bar'
Getting the last value
The last()
method returns the last valid value of an argument, if any.
// script.php --foo=bar
$macrame->args('foo')->last(); // bar
If the assignment argument is given to the script more than once, the right-most value will be returned as the last.
// script.php --foo=bar --foo="baz quux"
$macrame->args('foo')->last(); // 'baz quux'
Only a valid, non-null value will be returned. Long arguments and null-assignments will be ignored.
// script.php --foo= --foo=bar --foo
$macrame->args('foo')->first(); // 'bar'
Getting all values
All the values assigned to an assignment argument can be returned as an array using the all()
// script.php --foo=bar --foo="baz quux"
$macrame->args('foo')->all(); // ['bar', 'baz quux']
Handling positional arguments
Positional arguments are arguments that do not have a predefined keyword, but who’s role is determined by their position in arguments list. For instance, the gnu command cp
accepts a source and destination file path, ie cp /path/to/source /path/to/destination
. The role of those arguments, source or destination, is determined by their position in the arguments list.
Macrame accesses those arguments using the key positional
// script.php "first positional" "second positional"
$macrame->args('positional')->exists(); // true
$macrame->args('positional')->count(); // 2
$macrame->args('positional')->first(); // 'first positional'
$macrame->args('positional')->all(); // ['first positional', 'second positional']
Full example
feature for styling and outputting text.
The script
#!/usr/bin/env php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Gbhorwood\Macrame\Macrame;
$macrame = new Macrame();
if($macrame->args('foo')->exists()) {
$count = $macrame->args('foo')->count();
$macrame->text("The argument foo was passed $count times")->write(true);
$firstValue = $macrame->args('foo')->first();
$macrame->text("The first value passed to foo was '$firstValue'")->write(true);
$allValues = $macrame->args('foo')->all();
$macrame->text("All the values of foo are".print_r($allValues, true))->write(true);
if($macrame->args('positional')->exists()) {
$count = $macrame->args('positional')->count();
$macrame->text("There are $count positional arguments")->write(true);
$firstPositional = $macrame->args('positional')->first();
$macrame->text("The first positional argument passed was '$firstPositional'")->write(true);
$allPositional = $macrame->args('positional')->all();
$macrame->text("All the positional arguments are".print_r($allPositional, true))->write(true);
Calling the script
script.php --foo=bar --foo="baz quux" "first positional" "second positional"
The output
The argument foo was passed 2 times
The first value passed to foo was 'bar'
All the values of foo areArray
[0] => bar
[1] => baz quux
There are 2 positional arguments
The first positional argument passed was 'first positional'
All the positional arguments are
[0] => first positional
[1] => second positional