Macrame is a library that provides features that allow developers to create interactive, good-looking command-line scripts.

Macrame objects

Macrame functionality is provided by objects, each of which focuses on a particular feature set. The objects are:

The MacrameIO object is designed for internal use by Macrame. It is recommended to use the higher-level functionality in, ie. MacrameInput or `MacrameText` instead.
The MacrameValidator object is not designed to be used independently. See the documentation on MacrameInput on how to validate user input.

Instantiating objects

Each object can be instantiated by calling a function in the Macrame object.

// create a new Macrame object
$macrame = new Macrame();

$macrameArgs = $macrame->args("somearg");
$macrameDownload = $macrame->download("");
$macrameFiglet = $macrame->figlet("Some headline");
$macrameInput = $macrame->input();
$macrameMenu = $macrame->menu();
$macrameSpinner = $macrame->spinner();
$macrameTable = $macrame->table(['header 1', 'header 2'], [['data 1', 'data 2']]);
$macrameText = $macrame->text("Some text");

Chaining method calls

Macrame calls are chainable. For instance, text can be output using both these methods.

$macrame = new Macrame();

// chained call
$macrame->text("Some text")->write();

// no chaining
$macrameText = $macrame->text("Some text");

Script structure

Macrame has a recommended basic script structure. An explanation of this structure is given in the Quick Start section.

#!/usr/bin/env php 
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Gbhorwood\Macrame\Macrame;

// instantiate a Macrame object with the script name
$macrame = new Macrame("My Script Name");

// only execute if run from the command line
if($macrame->running()) {

    // confirm host is good. die on failure.

    // user code here

    // exit cleanly